Articles about Acne

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Acne Cures - Is There a Natural Acne Cure That Works?

by Mike Walden

Are there natural acne cures that work or is it a new age myth? Is there a permanent cure for acne or are all acne sufferers sentenced to the Sisyphean battle of tackling the ‘on the surface’ symptoms? Is there an honest, natural and safer alternative to the endless use of over the counters and to the nasty side effects inflicted by conventional drugs, creams and topical acne treatments?

Frequently Asked Questions About Acne

by Rachel D Frag
Acne is a very common disease. People who have it tend to have similar kinds of questions about it and its treatment. This section addresses some of the common questions asked by people with acne. Please remember that your dermatologist is always the best source of specific information about your individual health issues, including acne.

Acne Don’ts: The 7 Things You Should Never Do To Your skin

by Mike Walden

There are a lot of things you should never do to you skin whether you have acne or not. Here are seven of them.

Quick Acne Treatments Exposed: The Truth Behind Miracle Acne Cures

by Mike Walden

Can acne be cured quickly and without effort? Is there really a revolutionary acne treatment overlooked by the medical establishment that wipes off acne in days?

Acne Diet Link Exposed: Is There an Acne Cure Diet that Works?

by Mike Walden
For years doctors have been claiming there is no connection between diet and acne. Yet evidence from recent studies clearly shows a link between the consumption of certain foods and the aggravation of acne. Does diet have a role in the management of acne and is there an acne cure diet that works?

The First Step To Curing Acne

by Naweko San-Joyz
At a loss for how to cure acne. Get the facts, then get your cure.

External Acne Care: The Pros and Cons of Washing Your Face

by Mike Walden

Taking care of your skin on a daily basis by incorporating simple and easy to follow protocols may not only enhance the healing process of your existing acne it will also balance your skin ph levels, making it smooth, even toned, radiant and healthy looking.

Acne Bacteria and The Acne Environment

by Mike Walden

Contrary to popular belief, acne bacteria do not cause acne. Life long acne researcher exposes the true connection between acne bacteria and acne formation. Discover why acne is not a problem with your skin.

Accutane Side Effects - the Acne Miracle Drug Exposed

by Mike Walden
7-year research exposes the uncomfortable truth about accutane side effects, the lack of accountability taken by Accutane manufacturer despite the dire side effects and documented suicidal cases of Accutane users and the holistic alternative.

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